The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has academic and instructional space across nearly 10 square miles (6,370 acres) across Champaign and Urbana.
The university has 651 actively owned buildings within 9.9 square miles (6,370 acres) and has been rated the number one most “disability friendly” U.S. campus. 100% of all classrooms have wireless access along with many of the other recreational and living facilities. Below are some of the most iconic and well-known academic buildings.
Altgeld Hall
Altgeld Hall, which was added to the National Register of Historic Buildings in 1970, was constructed in 1896-1897 and was first used as the University Library. Altgeld Hall became the home of the College of Law in 1927 and later the Mathematics Department became the residents in 1956. Learn more about Altgeld Hall.
Business Instructional Facility
The Business Instructional Facility (BIF) is a state-of-the-art, collaborative space that houses the Gies College of Business. The LEED® certified building includes a commons area, classrooms, student services offices, the Illinois MakerLab, a 300-seat auditorium, and more. Learn more about BIF.
Campus Instructional Facility
The Campus Instructional Facility (CIF), opened in Fall 2021, is a premier classroom building that supports newer technologies and teaching strategies led to the development of IFLEX classrooms (Illinois Flexible Learning Experience). Learn more about CIF.
Foellinger Auditorium
Foellinger Auditorium is located at the South end of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign quad. Since its original dedication in 1907, millions of people have passed through its doors as students and patrons. Learn more about Foellinger Auditorium.
Lincoln Hall
Located on the southwest corner of the Quad, Lincoln Hall is the second-most used building on campus by students and faculty. This historic lecture hall, which opened in 1930, is used for everything from student productions to final exams. It’s equipped with Integrated Teaching System (ITS) technology, enabling audio and visual presentations to a large audience. Learn more about Lincoln Hall.
Morrow Plots
Established in 1876, the Morrow Plots are the oldest experimental crop field in America and the second oldest in the world – after the Rothamsted research station in England (established in 1843). Learn more about the Morrow Plots.
Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building
Since 1950, the Mechanical Engineering Building (MEB) has been the foundation and headquarters for one of the nation’s top engineering departments. With more than $21.5 million from alumnus Sidney Lu, who is CEO of Foxconn Interconnect Technologies, Grainger Engineering is transforming the MEB with new instructional labs, maker spaces, community spaces, and active-learning classrooms. Learn more about Lu MEB.
Siebel Center for Design
Siebel Center for Design (SCD) is the only from-the-ground-up interdisciplinary design center in the United States, providing a space for all students and scholars to study, practice, model, and teach design thinking. Illinois MakerLab, a 300-seat auditorium, and more. Learn more about SCD.

Siebel Center for Design
An interdisciplinary center with study spaces, labs, and workrooms.