Finance, Accounting & Economics Courses

Finance, Accounting & Economics

Accounting Theory

This course introduces students to the role of accounting information as a tool used by decision makers for resource allocation and by the firm to control its broader organizational units. Participants will develop a deeper appreciation for the qualities of useful information, business environments, and risk.

Development Economics

This course focuses on the application of economic reasoning and analysis to business decision making. Topics include supply and demand analysis, estimation of demand by firms, and pricing and non-price competition in contested markets. Participants will become familiar with the theoretical perspective of business strategies and conduct case studies.

Econometrics Research Methods

This course will help participants develop the basic tools necessary to understand and use modern econometric methods. The course will focus on how one goes about estimating and making inferences for causal effects by paying special attention to empirical cases dealing with policy relevant issues.


The goal of this course is to learn to use financial statements as tools to help manage a business, to learn some of the contemporary methods of financing small businesses, to understand the business environment, the problems of start-up ventures, and more.

Financial Management

The financial management course examines topics in general and corporate finance, including time value of money, asset evaluation, risk and return, and risk management. We will examine the valuation of equities, bonds, projects, and entire firms.

Money & Banking

This course focuses on the forces (information and transaction costs) that have propelled the historical evolution of money, credit, and financial intermediation from the ancient world to present. Related concepts such as bonds, stocks, and insurance markets are also explored. The course will also cover the structure of the US Federal Reserve System and bank regulation.

accountancy signing

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